

【アピール】 拡散のお願い





September 3, 2014

Speaker of the House of Representatives Bunmei Ibuki

President of the House of Councilors Masaaki Yamaguchi

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

Minister for Foreign Affairs Fumio Kishida

Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism Akihiro Ohta

Minister of Defense Akinori Eto

Minister of State for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs Shunichi Yamaguchi


Honorable Sirs,


In accordance with Article 99 of The Law Concerning Local Autonomous Bodies we present to you the Judgment below passed by The Fourth General Assembly of 2014 (Extraordinary Session) of the Okinawa Prefecture Council to protest forcing through boring survey and other activities off the Henoko coast and to demand an immediate discontinuation of the new base construction.


President of Okinawa Prefecture Council

Masaharu Kina



   Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his administration, on August 18, 2014, launched out forcibly into a series of operations such as boring survey of the sea-bed related to the construction of a new US base off the Henoko coast, Nago City. This action disregards overwhelming opposition by the Okinawan people and the Mayor of the Nago City. .

The protesting Okinawan people are regarded as enemies. All the staff members of the Okinawa Defense Bureau have been mobilized to work with the police officers and security guards to discourage the protesters gathering in front of the Gate No.1 of Camp Schwab. Dangerous iron panels with protuberances are placed on the public road. Lines of buoys and floats have been placed on the waters, amid protest, to keep people away from the construction site. Large numbers of guard ships and rubber boats are mobilized by the Coast Guard to chase away and/or detain the canoe-borne protesters. All these remind us of the period of post-war military occupation when the US soldiers brandishing bayonets drove off the local residents while bulldozers flattened their homes and farmlands.

The off-limit areas on the waters adjoining Camp Schwab have been greatly expanded. Limiting access to the water areas for public use, based upon the SOFA agreement (Agreement based upon the US Japan Security Treaty regarding facilities, areas and the status of US Armed Forces in Japan), is permissible only to cater to US military necessities and not to assist the base construction carried out by the Okinawa Defense Bureau. Furthermore, the bidding for building an operation yard within the Nago Fishing Port, the use of which for the base construction having been refused by the Mayor of Nago City, was carried out in secret. These actions are doubly and triply outrageous.  

   On January 28, 2013, a formal request was submitted to Prime Minister Abe signed by Mayors and Assembly Chairs of 41 Okinawa municipalities and representatives of the sections of the Prefecture Council demanding cancellation of the deployment of the MV-22 Osprey, the closure and removal of the Futenma US Marine base and the abandonment of the plan to relocate it to an area inside the prefecture. The request summed up the strong will of the whole of the Okinawan people. Mr. Abe, however, totally ignores this request and is forcing through the landfill operation for the base construction. He tramples upon the Okinawan people’s dignity. We denounce this act of infringement on the principles of democracy with utmost outrage.

   We Okinawan people have never abandoned our efforts, even during the ordeal of the US military occupation, to free our Islands from military bases. We strongly protest the new base construction being forced through by the Abe Administration and demand:

1.Immediate discontinuation of operations such as boring survey related to the new base construction at Henoko.

2.Immediate discontinuation of excessive security actions and suppression of just protest by the Okinawan people both on land and sea.

3.Removal of dangerous iron panels with protuberances in front of the Gate No.1 of Camp Schwab and the buoys and floats on the waters.


Translator: Kenichi Iyanaga (The Association to Protect the Northernmost Dugong) info@sea-dugong.org










1 海底ボーリング調査など、辺野古新基地建設のための工事を直ちに中止す ること。

2 陸上、海上での県民の正当な抗議行動への弾圧、過剰警備を直ちにやめる こと。

3 第1ゲート前の危険な山形の鉄板と、海上ブイ、フロートなどを撤去する こと。



  沖 縄 県 議 会




外務大臣     宛て







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